HIIT Training: Basic Protocols

In recent years high intensity interval training or HIIT training has been gaining a lot of traction. This is because it can confer a lot of physiologic benefits in a short amount of time. But this has led to a lot of confusion and poor information around it. So we have decided to try to distill some of it down and hopefully give some clarity. 

First off when we talk about HIIT training we are talking about intervals of work and rest. This is typically done on a bike or treadmill. This is not circuit interval training. Some of the concepts can be applied to implements like kettlebells or barbells but caution must be used when combining heavy external load and fatigue. Too much of either can lead to injury. In reality, most of these are best done on bikes since we are often training into very high amounts of fatigue. 

Protocol 1

The 2-4-2

This is 2 minutes of intense work followed by 4 minutes of rest and repeated 2-4 times. This has been shown to have solid improvements at increasing aerobic fitness and VO2 max as well as some muscular endurance effects. 

Protocol 2 

The Wingate

This is 30 seconds of maximal intensity all out work followed by 4 minutes of rest and repeated 4-6 times. This protocol targets anaerobic endurance, capacity, and power. It can also improve your body’s ability to deal with lactate. 

Protocol 3

The Tabata 

This is 20 seconds of maximal work followed by 10 seconds rest repeated 8 times for a total of 4 minutes of total work. This can be repeated for a couple rounds if desired. This is a maximal anaerobic endurance workout and can be very taxing to do. 

Protocol 4

The 1:1 Protocol 

This involves 1 minute of work followed by 1 minute of rest repeated for 4 rounds, or as many as desired. This protocol increases the rest a little more but still leaves the work pretty intense, very close to maximal effort. This produces effects on anaerobic endurance, power and capacity. It can also increase lactate threshold. 

Protocol 5

The Norwegian 4x4

This protocol is 4 minutes of work followed by 4 minutes of rest repeated 3-4 times. The passing of the 4 minutes of work should be something around the first minute isn’t too bad, the second minute starts to feel taxing, the third minute gets hard and the fourth, just try to hold on and not die. This protocol produces improvements in aerobic capacity, and VO2 max. There are some anaerobic effects as well but they are not nearly as pronounced. 

These are just a few of the most common HIIT protocols, but they are not the only options. In reality, any cycle of high intensity work followed by programmed rest can be a HIIT protocol. It all comes down to matching your goal to the program. If you are seeking more aerobic effects, aim for longer work periods where the intensity isn’t quite as high. If you are seeking more anaerobic effects, you are going to want the shortest rest periods. Overall, any HIIT will produce positive results for both. So pick what you like the most and do it! Don’t get overly hung up on the “optimal” protocol. 


HIIT Training: Benefits


Natural Remedies for the Common Cold Part 2